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Welcome — my name is Sarah Shader and thank you for visiting my joke website.
About me
I'm a math enthusiast and movie enthusiast passing my days working as a software engineer. I also love high effort, highly specific (and often self-deprecating) jokes and having something silly to work on and play with.
(in decreasing order of use)
  • Q: What is this?
    A: During the height of the Anti Social Social Club craze, I was amused by the parodies like Anti Software Software Club. Since my first and last name both start with "S", I made a design for "Anti Sarah Shader Club", custom printed a shirt, learned this domain was available, and a website was born.
  • Q: Do you actually have that shirt?
    A: Yep! Turns out you can custom print shirts for ~$20.
  • Q: Can I get one?
    A: Nope, they're priceless. Plus it's really only funny if I'm wearing it.
Stuff I'm proud of
  • In a reaction to the surge of blog / static site frameworks, I decided to go hard in the other direction and write HTML with zero JavaScript.

    This site is hosted using Convex (disclaimer, I work there) to store my files and serve them via an HTTP endpoint. Because I'm attached to my vanity domain + SSL, I set up a fly.io server to proxy my requests to Convex. At one point I hilariously did this proxying via a Digital Ocean droplet hosted on the west coast, so loading my website from my home in NYC was actually crossing the country twice on every request.

  • My Vi Hart style video from high school when I still did math
  • Turns out you can do a lot of stuff in the TypeScript type system. I'm a fan of TS-SQL and Advent of TypeScript.
  • Proset is a variant of the card game Set, which I learned at MathCamp. I wanted a way to play it online with my friends. Built with Convex, Next.js, and Vercel.
  • When working at Asana, sometimes a group of us would play Sporcle together where one person types while screensharing while everyone else calls out answers. This app lets multiple people play the same Sporcle quiz from their own laptops.
  • This is like Python Bee, where you must spell out a function character by character from memory, but with the Dropbox twist where you play with a partner and take turns.

    Besides being in JavaScript, it has the twist that you can play with AI bots like ChatGPT or Claude. It's built with Convex, Vite, shadcn, QuickJS, and Vercel.